Saturday 1 November 2014

Voice Thread Magazine Analysis 2


For this analysis I chose to do a rollingstone magazine. This was because although this brand of magazine do not always do music, they do various things, they have quite a few music additions, it would of been easier to do a full music magazine but I wanted to show that though music magazines are purely music, magazines such as rollingstone also have a large amount of music additions. The first thing I see when I look at this cover would be the mid to long shot of a shirtless young male, he appears to be doing some form of performance as he has a mic in his hand. The second thing I notice it the clear yet simple colour scheme which consists of red and white. I also see that the mast head is behind the main image instead of in front of it. Down the side of the cover I see various things such as different articles which would be in the magazine being mentioned along with other artists. 
The connotations of this magazine are that the shirtless male in the picture is Justin Bieber. Bieber has a large fanbase that ranges from a young age to a much more matured age, unlike my previous magazine analysis that had Bieber on, this magazine is not targeted at a younger audience, just simply because he is shirtless, parents do not want their 12 yet old, or younger daughter strain at a shirtless young adult, he is more sexualised in this magazine cover, reasons for this are because he is shirtless, he is also sweating due to the fact he probably was just performing. Other reasons as to why this would not be aimed at a younger fanbase would be the headline "Bad Boy" this makes Bieber seem childlike, almost as if he's being told of, but if you look at it in that sense you can also see the sexual innuendos, underneath the head line it mentions how he "won't behave" which is degrading to a young adult, they've made it seem as though Bieber is a child, maybe because of his behaviour and the way he is acting, even though the picture clear shows he is not child.
The shirtless main image will pull on the crushes of teenage fans, a typical teenage heartthrob, topless.
The colours and fonts of this magazine cover are very plain and simple, I believe this is because it will make it easier to read and it shows that the magazine is not a kids magazine, another thing that shows this would be the lack of eye catching articles down the side, there's no free posters or fashion guides it mentions artists such as Rick Ross but doesn't say what about him? It leaves you wanting more. What about Rick Ross? I believe this is to also not take your eyes away from the main article, but it would be a lot easier to just not have anything if that was the idea, which Is also why I believe that the mentioning of other artists will show people who read this magazine regularly that just because Bieber is on the cover doesn't mean everything is about him, it shows that the magazine is full of other stuff too just incase you regularly purchase this magazine but are not such a big fan of Justin Bieber so may not want to buy it if it's all about him. 
Everything I've mentioned, such as the colours, fonts, articles and main images all show that this magazines genre right now is pop, but not your typical little girl pop, this magazine is similar to how my music magazine would be, not too bright, not to childish, it gets to the point but isn't boring and it's eye catching but not blinding, this is why I believe this magazine is aiming at the older side of pop music.

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