Sunday 23 November 2014

Front Cover Analysis

The three above images are all examples of types of front cover magazines, as you can see they are pretty similar and two are "Rollingstones", but I chose this to show how one brand of magazines can be different. I personally like all of these covers, I like how in the first Rollingstones magazine that its all black and white but the masthead is in colour, I think unless It doesn't work that I will probably do the image in black and white but the text and masthead in colours so they stand out. In the second magazine cover I like how its very bright, but I doubt I would use too much colour as I don't want it too bright, as it would distract the real genre of music, bright colours are more for a kids pop magazine but as mine is for an older pop audience then i wouldn't want it too bright or the audience will be lost at who it is aimed at. The last one, though being another Rollingstones, is totally different to the other one, this one is brighter, this one uses a long shot whereas the other uses a close up, I think depending on you aim for the magazine the shot type makes a big difference, the close up and black and white together in the first gives of a feeling that this is for the lay back, indie kids, whereas the one in colour give you the, this is aimed at pop fans. 
Though the first one is not for me, i personally like how theres a lot of text on the side, but you know just by looking that the text is pretty irrelevant, theres too much and its too little for you to read it all, you just have a quick glance to see who and what is going to be inside of the magazine, I like how its not sentences or bullet point but its just written straight after it all. 
The colours are a main statement for your magazine, if its bright, its a kiddy pop, its its dull and lay back, its indie, if its just slightly lay back but its got colour on it then its an older pop. Rollingstones is known and recognised for their masthead, I think the masthead is the most important with the main image, your magazines masthead should be repetitive, it should be the same style and maybe the same colour, different colours if its a special addition.
The text down the side should not be too big, your eyes should stay in the image, use some photography skills to keep their eyes in the picture, such as triangles and leading lines, this and the small or not so noticeable selling, head and cover line will keep your eye on the image so you notice it, the masthead needs to be the boldest thing on the page or you will lose it, if you cant see it or notice it, your buyers will not know whats its called, or care.

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