Sunday 16 November 2014

Cheerful Scene

Unlike a sombre scene, a cheerful scene is what it says it is, it's a happy scene. With every scene mise-en-scène is involved, for example in this scene the three of them are eating ice cream, now ice cream can be used for a sombre scene or a happy scene, it just depends on how you portray it, In this one it's obvious it's not a sad scene, this is because not only because they're smiling but because they're dressed brightly and they look to be in a park, maybe near a river, any sad person would not be doing this. Bright colours hold a major part in desiping whether it's a cheerful or sombre scene, the clothing in this scene is bright, the backing is bright, the make is wearing sunglasses which would insinuate that it's sunny, the sun and colours all indicate that this is a happy scene, bright colours indicate happiness, the sun also does and it makes a lot of people happy. 

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