Saturday 22 November 2014

Contents Page Analysis

Above are three different images of contents pages, all three are very different in their style, colours and fonts. This is unlike with my double page spread analysis, as they were very similar. But similar to the double page spread there is a recurrence of the colour red, in all three, even the none colour one in the middle red is involved. The first contents page give me the feeling it is a magazine aimed at a younger audience such as 13 year olds or around that age, I believe this because the writing is very big and bold, the colours are bright and the image is of Katy Perry and she looks very girly, all of theses factors make me think that the magazine is aimed at a younger audience.
 In the second contents page I believe this is aimed at a slightly older audience this is because the colours are not as bright as they are in the first contents page. I also believe that it is for an older audience as the band featured on it is The Rolling Stones, which is a older band from the 1970's to the 1990's so they're audience would be on the older end of fans or the ages around 17-20, this is also because the layout and colours and the artists in the picture are very lay back. 
In the last image I believe this is also aimed at a slightly older audience but not the same audience as the first, which would be a pop audience or the second which I believe to be aimed at a indie styled audience, the last is a pop but not the same type of pop as the first, I believe its aimed at a slighter soul based pop audience. 
In my personal opinion I like the first the most but the second I could use as ideas for my magazine as it would see to fit in with it more, although the first is a nice simple it catches your eye with the bright colours and bold fonts, I like that about it but in the second I think it is also simple yet effective, it fits the purpose, its very lay back and calm, but it gives you information as unlike in the first one which gives you information but its very image based, the image is taking over so you just don't get to notice the information at the side its pushed away and hidden but in the second the page is split down the left side so you get the clear sight of the information especially as it is in a different colour than the image background unlike the first image where it is all white.
I'm not too keen on the too much information, I prefer the big image little, but enough information, I think its too much writing, you don't want to give it all away, you want to give them enough to keep them interested but not everything you want them to open the first and carry on not know what inside in full.

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