Friday 21 November 2014

Double Page Spread Examples

Above are three different examples of a double page spread of music magazines, each of theses are similar. They all have the main subject covering at least one full page and one page full of writing, apart from the bottom one, this one has the main image covering most of both pages and the bottom of it is this side. I personally think the top and bottom look the best, I like the idea of the big L that covers the full page but you are still able to read the text underneath, I also like how everything is black and white but the L, which is a nice red.
On the bottom on the reason I like it are the fact that the image covers most of both pages, not all magazines do this, I also like, how similar to the first one there is big writing covering the image but not the writing like the first one, you can still clearly see the image but the writing is covering most of it, but unlike the first one, the image is not in black and white, I think in both double page spread covers both black and white and colour, it has the same effect, it stands out.
I would personally use something similar to the top or bottom one, as O like the idea of the writing and images. The middle example isn't bad, I just personal don't like how there is no background behind the subject, but I do like how there are the lines going under the text and image but in that sense I think it would be better if the lines went over the text.

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