Tuesday 27 January 2015

Contents Page Process 8

This was my final stage, I added another grey box by using the rounded rectangle tool, I then used the font Palatino Linotype at size 14 and made "only £5.50...." bold so it stood out against the white box I also made with the rounded rectangle tool. I then created a box with the normal rectangle tool and made it a almost white grey colour and then opened up two photos I had on my phone which I had taken so I opened them and then dragged them onto the contents page and rotated the light grey box as well as the picture of two people to fit inside the box, with the other picture I simple just made it smaller. I created a text box with the text "New girl?!" in and used the font "Forever Young" size 18 pt and created another box underneath it. I then created my final text box at the top of the page above the itunes sign which was the font "Lucidia Fox" size 14pt. I then got a arrow from the internet and then used the fill tool to make it black and moved it around till I had it the way I wanted it, my final stage was the duplicate the pink and white boxes again and typed in the number 22 in the same font and size as the others "Forever Young" at size 20.

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