Saturday 20 September 2014

Interview Analysis


1. How would the magazine appeal to you, what colours and fonts would you like?
From this question I found that the most popular answer was that they wanted bright colours, such as pinks and purples, they wanted the colours to stand out. I also discovered that with the font side of the front cover people wanted fancy fonts but also easy to read.

2. Would you like the ins and outs of college gossip? 
This question got mixed messages as some said yes, they would but some only want it if it was interesting to them.

3. Would special offers and discounts make you want to buy the magazine more, if so what would you like? 
The students asked without a doubt waned special offers, they would want ones for food and clothing stores.

4. How much would you pay for the magazine? - 50p, £1, £1.50 or free
Most students asked said the max they were willing to pay was less than £1, 50p max but would prefer it to be free.

5. What would you like you see?
When asking this I found that people wanted to see results and how past/ current student have done.

Although I got my answers, I think I could of gotten better, I think I should of asked more people, including more males to make my answers less biased, such as question one, I don't think males would be interested in a pink magazine, this would of widened my answers and made my results better.

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