Wednesday 15 April 2015

Evaluation: Question Two

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

To find a image with a similar pose to my model was quite difficult, but after a while of searching I came across this image of Pixie Lott who is a well known pop artist, though the images are not the same they are similar. For example both artists are using their hands and arms in the shot so it is not just their body, by using their arms they create triangles which keep your eyes focused on the artists and not going around the page, both images are mid shots of the artists facing the camera, with their arms up it makes them seem very open and like they are an open book and are not hiding things from their fans, the posture also makes them seem very relaxed.

Keeping the artists at eye level helps with the audience to connect with the artists. The lighting of the images are not the same, this is due to the fact that the image of Lott was probably shot in a studio whereas mine was shot in a basement, I think that with different lighting it helps you understand, for example with the basement lighting the artist is seen but not exposed completely to the audience which keeps a bit of mystery behind the artist and does not fully reveal who they are inside, this also helps with the artist having said he is just a normal guy, it helps him seem more down to earth because he doesn't need a big studio to have a photo shoot he can do it anywhere, this helps with the down to earth as some artists are very demanding and refuse such things.

The costume in both images are very different, the gender of the artists play a big part in this as Lott is wearing a dress, my artist is wearing a shirt and jumper, this make him seem quite simple and gives him a smart look, the way he is dressed could relate to his fans as its not posh or too out there, its very down to earth and simple which means his fans could also look like that is they wished to. This helps with showing what genre the magazine is because it makes it seem mature which is what the magazine is, a mature pop magazine. The hair also play a big factor in the image as in the image with Lott her hair is a bright blonde and down, also with the position of her arms and hands, which is holding her hair it almost makes her look confused, whereas in the magazine to the left the hair is dark which also adds to the mystery of the artist but also helps make his features stand out bringing emphasis to his face.

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