Saturday 18 April 2015

Evaluation Question Seven

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Front Cover:
Looking back at the original front cover to the one I have created now you can see the difference and the growth within the Photoshop skills then and now. The images differ in the sense that the original magazine photoshoot was not planned or thought out, the background is messy and makes the text hard to read due to the dark background and text on top. Not many colours were used in the preliminary task it was just the simple orange and black.
In the music magazine I have used various fonts from the basic Photoshop fonts available and from the website "" I felt like with different types of font it will improve the magazine and help with the target audience. 
The layout of the magazines haven't changed too much but I feel like I have advanced in the way that my Photoshop skills have improved and I now know how to target my audience, I feel like I rushed the preliminary task but took more time with the music magazine. With the way the magazines differ it shows what I have learnt and how I have improved. 
Over all though the change doesn't look drastic from just a look, if you pay attention to the detail you can see how my Photoshop skills have improved also how my knowledge of magazines and audiences and how to attract the intended audience has had more thought involved than in the preliminary task. 

Contents Page:
Just like my front cover looking back and the preliminary task helps to show improvement and how to improve your magazine to make it grow and be exactly how you desire.
The first thing I notice would have to be the colour scheme, similar to the front cover in the preliminary task the colours orange and while play a main factor with some purple, I clearly didn't think about how the colours would be together but in my music magazine I made sure the colours went well together and there were more than just two. After the colours you focus on the images and you  can see how in the preliminary task the images were not taken by me but off of the internet, the amount of images used are the same which I think is a good amount for a contents page. 
The fonts on the original are very basic and dull, there is only two types of fonts used and in the music magazine there are 4 or 5 different ones used, there's also a lot more information on the second one which I think helps with the target audience as it shows that it can offer more to other people. The way the information is set out is pretty dull but easy to read in the music magazine the layout of the information is still basic, as in its in the same place easy to find, but with adding shapes and different colours it at least makes it more fun to look at and makes it look more full and interesting.
Over all I think just like in the front cover this shows the skills learnt and improved in Photoshop and in how to address your audience and achieve your target audience.

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