Sunday 26 October 2014

Voice Thread Magazine Anaysis


In this task, like my other magazine cover analysis, I had to analyse the cover and find out the connotations, decorations and representations of the front cover, the only thing different would be adding genre, for this first one I chose to do a "we heart pop" magazine as its a well know kids pop magazine and as Im planning on analysing two pop magazines I thought this would be a simple one to do. The first denotation I see is a mid shot of a young male, he looks happy as he is smiling. I also notice how at the bottom their are free posters of various people. There are also mentions of other celebrities on the magazine.
I also see that the masthead is bold and in a speech bubble, I can see a lot of pink and purple on the front cover and also in the masthead.
The connotations of this magazine cover are that the young male is in fact Justin Bieber, a well know teen pop star who has quite a lot of fans, who will more of less buy this magazine because Bieber is on the cover, the magazine creators would if used the power of teen fans to their advantage in this magazine. I'll also pick up on the headline "Bieber comes clean" this has a double meaning, on one hand it could be as simple he comes clean about something, as in he could spill a secret, but on the other hand, I could insinuate that Bieber is coming clean from maybe drugs or alcohol? But considering this magazine seems to be aimed at a young female audience, hence the bright pinks and purples covered all over the page, I think the first coming clean would be the correct one. The colours are very bright, especially pink, this is considered a "girly" colour, it would stand out to little kids especially the little girls, who will be a fan of Bieber and when they notice the free posters of their other favourite celebrities at the bottom they would ask their parents to buy it them. 
Down the side of the page there are various other celebrities such as Taylor Swift, One Direction and Conor Maynard, this would also encourage little girls to buy, as these artists tend to share fans, if Bieber has fans, some of them will like Swift or One Direction, as little girls are fans of most boy bands and male singers, this would be their little crush all young girls have on celebrities, this also helps with the purchases of the magazine. In the top right hand corner there is a title with "Star Style" this is on the magazine because little girls ages 7-13 like to dress and act and try to be older than what they are, they look up to female celebrities and see what they're wearing and want to wear it, even if it's not appropriate for their age, magazines such as this will create similar styles so you can dress like them. 
Just by looking at this magazine you can tell it is a pop magazine, it has the typical "teen heartthrob" right in the middle, it's bright, and it says "we heart pop" but without that title it ticks all the boxes of a typical teenage pop magazine, the heartthrob, the bright colours, the fashion tips and the free posters.

Thursday 23 October 2014


After creating my target audience Prezi, I chose to make my moodboard. Though my Prezi told what my genre was, the moodbaord gives you more of an insight of who in the music industry fits into the older side of pop. The artists range from Miley Cyrus all the way to Lady Gaga, though you may think that they are nothing alike, they are more alike than you think as are all the other artists on my moodboard. The reason for this is their target audience, unlike most pop artists none of their target audiences are younger, around the age of 12-14, this is due to the simple fact that their music, though pop is totally different compared to artists for the younger audience such as One Direction and Justin Bieber. People usually think upbeat and happy when you think of the genre pop, but not every pop artist wants the audience who want that. The artists on my moodboard are the perfect example of older pop, I believe this because they are a lot calmer, they're more mature than other artists, in age, their music style and in how long they've been in the music industry longer than most pop artists so they've matured with their fans and music. 
Although some people will argue that some of these artists younger music is not fitting for the older side of pop, such as Gaga and Mars, they have changed to fit society to show they can adapt and change their style of music so they do't fall of or get bored.
I also chose to add some different fonts that I believe fit with this genre, they're easy to read, simple and not too out there,

Saturday 11 October 2014

Shot Type Research

Extreme long shot-  This is a shot taken from a great distance so if people were to be in the shot they would appear to look like little dots in the background.

Long shot-This shot is taken similar to a mid shot, some people may get confused but the long shot is anything that shows bellow the waist of somebody, it shows their whole body from head to toe.

Mid shot- A mid shot is from the waist upwards, this can be to show detail in the scene it shows little back ground as you are focused on the person in the shot, you can also have multiple people in this shot.

Close up-  Unlike the others that will show more of a persons body a close up will only show the shoulders up, this is also a shot that people can get confused with, it is difficult to establish which shot is a close up or an extreme close up.

Extreme close up-  An extreme close up would show a lot less than a close up, it would focus on a persons eye or mouth, it is normally used for a dramatic shot.

Point of view shot- This shot especially for the viewer, it puts the viewer in the shoes of the actor/ actress, this shot is typical for games where you do not see who you are playing, but in a videos its so you do not see who it is, it can be used to create suspicion, to make you think somebody is watching whoever is in shot. 

Over the shoulder shot- This shot is used for similar reasons as the point of view shot, but is also used for people who are in conversation so you can see both characters but more of one than the other. 

Wide shot- A wide shot is a cross between a extreme long shot and a long shot, unlike the extreme long shot the subject is a lot closer but unlike a long shot the whole of the subjects body has to be in the shot.

Master shot- The master shot is similar to a wide shot, in fact it is a wide shot but it includes all the action of the scene, instead of the camera being to the side of the action, its front and centre not missing any of it.

High angle- A high angle is a shot just above the subject, it can be used in a point of view shot, to be looking down on the subject, it can show how little the subjects in the shot is compared the the person who is stood over them.

Low angle- A low angle unlike the high angle is just bellow the subject in the shot, this can be used to show dominance with that character to show how important this person is.

Canted angle- A canted angle is when the camera is at a slight tilt this is mainly used as a dramatic effect, it can show that something bad is gonna happen.

Pan- This shot follows the subject on the scene, it can be a get away car, the camera will pan left/ right, depending on the direction of the car like the viewer is watching it go, the camera will not move, simply turn.

Tilt- The tilt angle is similar to the pan shot, but instead of moving left or right, it will move up or down, it can be used in scenes where the director wants to get the full view of an image in the scene, it would start at the bottom of the building and tilt up to the top

Track- The track camera shot is like the pan, but instead of just moving left or right, the camera follows the subject.

Crane- This shot gives what it is away, this shot is the camera on a crane, it is like a tilt, but can go much further.

Hand held- A hand held camera shot, will be shaky, unlike any other shot it wont be on a camera stand. It can be used as a way to show how dramatic the programme/ film is, it makes you feel like it wasn't filmed in a studio, but like it was filmed by the people in the programme/ film. 

Shallow focus- This shot shows the importance of depth of field, it can focus on something you wouldn't expect to be important but with the camera focusing on it, it shows the importance, it blurs out the background and focuses on something in front.

Masthead Practice.

Here are some examples of different fonts I am considering using in my music magazine. I chose these 5 as they are not boring, plain fonts, they're not similar. They are also easy to read unlike some fonts, I am still not sure what font I will eventually use. Depending on what genre my music magazine will be like will push me to make my decision. 

Monday 6 October 2014

Medium Close Up Examples

These three are all examples of medium close ups, a medium close up is half way between a close up and a mid shot. Unlike a mid shot it is only from the shoulders up, but unlike a close up you are not in their face, you're at a comfortable distance.

Sunday 5 October 2014

Front Cover And Contents Page Original Photos

This is the original photo used for my college magazine cover, it is a medium shot, this is because it is from the waist upwards. I chose to do it next to the apple mac because it looks like she would be doing her work.

These next three images are all from my contents page, the reasons I chose them are because they are of students in comfortable environments that you would see them in at college, the first picture is of students eating lunch, the next is students studying together and the final one is of students with their results they received from their a-levels. I chose these three as they are what students who will be buying the magazine can relate to, especially if it is near exam seasons.