Monday 1 December 2014

Weekly Plan 3

This is my third weekly plan, this week Im planning on getting quite a bit done, last week including what I did I also got my model release form done so I could do my shoot, I'm going to do my drawn drafts of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I also plan to talk about the technology we use in during the time in class and out of it and why those things are important, for example the Apple Mac we use daily. Though I had ideas about my masthead and I wanted to have a final idea of what one I will use I will show the two Im stuck between and I will do some research into the costume I will use on my shoot and the final costume choice including images. I also have decided to do some test shots of what I would like my model to do in the shoot so I have a rough idea of how I can take my shots at my location.

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