Monday 2 March 2015


After receiving feedback from my teacher, I have realised numerous things need doing, so instead of dong an weekly plan I have chose to make a list of everything that needs doing and checking to have my magazine and blog up to a near perfect standard and done on time. I will be updating on which things have been done and completed and will show the changes if there is any and then carry on working on the list as such:
  1.  Spell check my double page spread story 
  2. Change the posts with multiple images into a gif 
  3. Upload feedback on my drafts 
  4. Include more technology; Poll Junkie, Slide Share
  5. List of props
  6. Add photo crediting to images taken by me
  7. Enlarge the columns on my double page spread 
  8. Make the font on the front cover larger and add another colour
  9. Re shoot my front cover image 
  10. Add messages near photos
  11. Include website name on double page spread and contents